Annette Logan-Parker

Annette Logan-Parker (Chair)

Annette Logan-Parker, a former nurse, educated at the University of Maryland’s Global campus in West Germany is the Founder & CEO of Cure 4 The Kids Foundation (C4K), Nevada’s premier tax-exempt childhood cancer and rare disease center. Logan-Parker, 54, oversees the strategic direction of the Las Vegas-based non-profit. She is known for pioneering and directing her efforts to transform the way children with cancer and rare diseases in Nevada receive care by creating the original mission of C4K in 2006. 

Under Annette’s leadership, C4K has transformed into one of the most successful healthcare businesses in Nevada. She leads one team with one vision and one mission centered around clinical excellence and compassionate care. She is committed to creating a new kind of healthcare organization; one that blends the best of what corporate healthcare, education, and research have to offer with the generosity and spirit of charity. Annette’s efforts over the past 16 years have rewritten how specialized pediatric medical treatment is delivered in southern Nevada. As a seasoned healthcare executive, Logan-

Parker brings the ability to balance strategic decisions and financial discipline with a hands-on approach to leadership – resulting in a strong employee, patient, and physician satisfaction. 

Logan-Parker is known as an intentional disrupter, inspiring her organization and her community to be more innovative. She pushes for extreme creativity and thrives in what others consider impossible. She challenges her team to be excellent by focusing on the difference between what is and what should be. Under Annette’s leadership, C4K obtained the Gold Standard of accreditation from The Joint Commission for its clinical operation. 

Logan-Parker is dedicated to improving the healthcare delivery system in Nevada for both patients and the healthcare professionals who care for them. She is an active chair of the Nevada Rare Disease Advisory Council promoting system-wide policy change to benefit the children in the state and also participating on the Advisory Committee for the iRest Institute promoting health & wellness throughout our national healthcare system.